Wednesday, December 2

Kudaranai Things? くだらないもの?

I love small cute things just like the key chain you see on the left. Adorable! And look at the sock purse on the picture below.  Hey, I can surprise my sister taking that out of my bag and say "No, it's not my kid's(my child is 1 year old and wears the same size sock) sock, it's my purse!"

I showed these pictures to my sister. And what she said was, "Kudaranai yo Onechan." (What she meant was...Sister, this is something useless it's cute but it's a waste of money.)  Well, knowing that I replied, "Well, that's why I took pictures and didn't buy them at ikspiari..."

    Kudaranai くだらない means trifling; trivial; insignificant; silly; absurd; useless; worthless; trashy in goo dictionary

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