Friday, December 4

Men, don't choose the wrong flowers for your Japanese ladies/friends!

Taboos on flowers in Japan

Once, I received flowers but didn't make me happy... and I like flowers.  The flowers were Bukka(仏花).  Bukka are flowers for graves or family buddhist atar.  Hey! I'm not dead yet!

Flowers seems to be the perfect gift but be careful in Japan.  These Bukka are available at the florists especially in August when we have Higan(the Buddhist memorial services centering on the spring and autumn equinox).  
You can recognize that the flowers are Bukka since it uses bright colors.  These are some of the names of the flowers used for Bukka.  Chrysanthemums,  Z. elegans, iris, gladiolus, Chinese lantern plant.  Or to double check, why not just ask? 

Other taboos about flowers in Japan. 
To bring or to send a friend in the hospital.

  1. Plants with pots which have roots on them. :Makes people think the patient also will stay long because of the roots. 
  2. White, blue, purple, flowers :Makes people think those colors are for the deceased. 
  3. Red flowers Red can make people think blood.
  4. Flowers with strong scent : Just not appropriate for the ill/hurt
  5. Cyclamen: Cy or shi(し、死) is death in Japanese、c or ku(く、苦) means suffer in Japanese
  6. Camellia :Camellia drops it's flower after it is done blooming and Japanese feel uncomfortable when ill.
  7. Hydrangea :Hydrangea loses it's color as time passes and makes people think negative. 

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